Director of Church Music Institute; Adjunct Associate Professor, OrganEmail: wwold@su.edu
Employed Since:
2020Educational History:
B.M., Concordia College; M.S.M., Wittenberg University; D.M.A., Shenandoah University
Professional Highlights:
Wold taught at Hood College in Frederick, Maryland, from 1990 to 2020 where he taught organ, harpsichord, composition, music theory, form and analysis, and humanities topics in the graduate school. For 10 years he was chair of the music department and he served also as chair of the faculty senate, chair of the curriculum committee, and as faculty representative on the presidential search committee.
Wold has performed widely on organ and harpsichord, with solo recitals across the United States and in Europe, and he has performed widely in ensembles including the Maryland Symphony Orchestra, Frederick Symphony Orchestra, Bach in Baltimore Orchestra and Hood Chamber Players. He is also in demand as a hymn festival leader featuring his own improvisations. His organ teachers include Peter Nygaard, Fred Jackisch and Shenandoah Conservatory Professor Emeritus of Organ and Church Music Steven Cooksey, Ph.D.
Wold has been a church musician since the age of sixteen, serving churches in Minnesota, Ohio, and Maryland, including seventeen years as director of chapel music at Camp David, the presidential retreat. He is a frequent lecturer and clinician on various church music topics for organizations including The American Guild of Organists, The Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, Choristers Guild, The Hymn Society in the U.S. and Canada, The Liturgical Institute at Valparaiso University, the Presbyterian Association of Musicians, and numerous publishers.
More than 400 of Wold’s compositions are in print from publishers in the U.S. and Australia, and they include organ works, choral works, works for organ and instruments, liturgical music, and hymn tunes. He is also the author of three books, dozens of hymn and anthem texts, and numerous journal articles including a monthly column in The American Organist. Visit www.waynelwold.com to learn more.
Certification & Awards:
- Laughlin Faculty Achievement Award, Hood College, 2020
- Associate of the American Guild of Organists (AAGO), 2010
- Alumnus of Excellence Award from Shenandoah University, 2015
- Winner of the Utech Hymn Composition Award at Eastman School of Music, 2017
- Winner of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America hymn-writing contest, 2018
- Winner of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians hymn-writing contest, 2019