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Deadline to Apply to be a 2025 FYS Mentor

Deadline to submit nominations for Homecoming Royalty

The deadline to submit nominations for Homecoming Royalty is Friday, Sept. 27 at 11:59 p.m. Homecoming royalty nominations open on Sept. 23 and are available to first-year, sophomore, junior, senior, and graduate students. Nominate your peers or yourself for the chance to participate in SU’s homecoming court. Nominees will be notified on or around Oct. […]

Avalon Literature & Arts Magazine Info Table

Brandt Student Center

Stop by the Avalon Literature & Arts Magazine info table in the Brandt Student Center on Sept. 27 from noon-3 p.m. Do you have short stories you'd like to publish, or are you an artist looking to share your creative work? Maybe you're a member of the conservatory who enjoys writing scripts but doesn't know […]

Event Series Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week

Smith Library 718 WADE MILLER DR., Winchester, VA, United States

Stop by the Smith Library and celebrate the right to read freely during Banned Books Week from noon-5 p.m.! Visit the pop-up display of frequently targeted books during the week of Sept. 22-28. Participate in the virtual activity for a chance to win a prize and visit the Banned Books Week page to learn more about this annual event. For more information, contact […]

Event Series CPD Q & A Table

CPD Q & A Table

Brandt Student Center

Stop by the Career & Professional Development Q & A table in the Brandt Student Center every Friday this academic year from 1-3 p.m.! For more information, contact Career & […]

Community Partner Volunteer Fair

Ferrari Room, Brandt Student Center 703 UNIVERSITY DR., Winchester, VA, United States

Our community partners will set up tables to promote volunteer opportunities with their organizations. Students can visit the tables and sign up to volunteer. This a Beyond the Classroom event […]

‘The Great Experiment’ Launch Event

Hub for Innovators, Veterans and Entrepreneurs (HIVE) 608 MILLWOOD DR., Winchester, VA, United States

Shenandoah University is excited to celebrate the launch of “The Great Experiment,” on Sept. 27  in the brand-new, state-of-the-art Hub for Innovators, Veterans and Entrepreneurs (HIVE)  "The Great Experiment" is an […]

Writers’ Club Meeting

Brandt Student Center

The SU Writers’ Club will be holding a meeting on Sept. 27 at 2:30 p.m. in the Brandt Student Center, Room 115. Everyone is welcome to this meeting that will […]

Sigma Tau Delta Poetry Event

Smith Library 718 WADE MILLER DR., Winchester, VA, United States

The Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society is putting on a poetry event in the SU library. For Hispanic Heritage Month, SigmaTD has put together a book display emphasizing Hispanic […]

Veterans Stronghold Event

Jim Barnett Park 1001 E. Cork Street, Winchester, Virginia

Join the Shenandoah Veterans and Supporters (SVS) on Friday, Sept. 27 at 5 p.m., at the Veterans Business Community (VBC) Stronghold Event at Lions Pavilion in Jim Barnett Park. This […]

SCiL Game Jam/Hackathon

Hub for Innovators, Veterans and Entrepreneurs (HIVE) 608 MILLWOOD DR., Winchester, VA, United States

The Shenandoah Center for Immersive Learning (SCiL) is hosting a game jam/hackathon beginning on Sept. 27 at 5 p.m. where small teams build a prototype augmented reality or virtual reality […]