As you will note from the title of today’s program, we have decided to change our name. As I mentioned in yesterdays post, we crossed over into Argentina for about an hour during the visit to South America’s 2nd largest hydroelectric plant. Today took us on a truly memorable trip to Brazil. More on that in a minute, but hence the name change.
We left what has turned out to be the best hotel of our trip, early this morning in Encarnacion and made our way north west up along the Parana River to the city of Cuidad del Este, which sits just across the river from Brazil. On our way up country, we made a stop at a set of Jesuit Ruins dating from the early 1700s. It was a fascinating tour that took us through the history of Jesuits in Paraguay. We arrived in Cuidad Del Este around 12 noon and had lunch in a combination Esso station and restaurant. Most of you don;t remember Esso, but it was Exxon’s name through most of the 50’s, 60’s and early 70’s.
The highlight of the name was a trip, made possible by our connections in Paraguay, to cross the river border into Brazil and spend 5 wonderful hours in the Brazilian National Park of Iguacu. There we took a 1300 meter hike down into a canyon with more waterfalls than any of us have seen in our lives. Spectacular, Wonderful, Awesome were just some of the words used by the group to describe this experience. And not only were we witnessing dozens of waterfalls of all sizes, but we were also in the Brazillian rainforest. We all came away soaked to the skin both from the humidity, but also from the opportunity to get within about 25 feet of the giant falls. So now a little R&R (and a good shower) until dinner.
Tomorrow we travel back to Asuncion for our last night in Paraguay, and a reception being hosted by our Paraguayan friends of Shenandoah. GCP it’s not just fun, it’s an ADVENTURE.
Rick Ours