The Purchasing and Accounts Payable Department is responsible for purchase orders and disbursement of institutional funds. This includes processing expense and travel reimbursements; requisitions for payments to vendors; cash advances; services, supplies and equipment procurement; credit and purchasing card reconciliations; non-employee contracts and honorariums; and student refund disbursements.
The Accounts Payable check schedule has been enhanced for your benefit. Below is the weekly schedule:
- Deadline: All completed paperwork must be received in the Purchasing & Accounts Payable Office by Friday at 5 p.m.
- Check Run: For all completed paperwork that meets the deadline, a check will be ready the following Thursday after 2 p.m.
Accounts Payable Contact Information:
Jennifer Butler, Purchasing & Accounts Payable Manager
Phone: (540) 665-4834
Crystal Hamilton, Senior Purchasing & Accounts Payable Assistant
Phone: (540) 665-5414
Melissa O’Hara, Purchasing Assistant
Phone: (540) 545-7390
Please do not hesitate to contact us at if you have any questions.