Shenandoah Conservatory welcomes Professor of Dance Ting-Yu Chen ’19, Ed.D., Professor of Theatre Carolyn Coulson, Ph.D., and Executive Director of the Shenandoah Conservatory Arts Academy, Adjunct Associate Professor of Performing Arts Leadership & Management and Adjunct Associate Professor of Education & Leadership Jennifer Green-Flint ’09, ’15, D.Prof., to new and revised leadership roles for the upcoming school year.
“I am delighted to welcome professors Chen, Coulson and Green-Flint to these new and revised leadership roles and look forward to working with each of them to further our conservatory work,” said Interim Dean, Charlotte A. & Verne E. Collins Endowed Professorship and Professor of Music (Music Education) Jeffrey Marlatt, Ph.D. “Dr. Chen’s passion for promoting academic success supports the intersection of work between faculty and students; Dr. Coulson’s innovative approach to curricular work and futuring positions us to imagine collaborative work to enhance all areas of study; and Dr. Green-Flint’s leadership and acumen in the area of conservatory operations is informed by her strong sense of contemporary pedagogy. Together, I look forward to our shared work as we examine how Shenandoah Conservatory can best meet the needs of our faculty, staff and students as we imagine what best serves as a 21st century conservatory experience.”
Associate Dean for Academic Success
The Associate Dean for Academic Success is a passionate advocate of faculty, learners and learner success, and is the point person for issues impacting excellence in teaching, curriculum and academic progress of learners.
Associate Dean for Curriculum & Assessment
The Associate Dean for Curriculum and Assessment is a leader and champion in the areas of assessment, accreditation, and curricular collaboration and innovation.