Dear students,
We commend all of our students for living low before returning to campus! But that was the easy part … now, you need to be more careful than ever. You need to STEP UP to remind others to always wear a mask unless alone in your residence hall or apartment bedroom. You need to SPEAK OUT if you hear of a party. This is not the year to be silent … this is not the semester to go crazy. We will rage when the virus stops raging — but not before.
If you choose to disregard the safety protocols, there will be consequences. Those indoors (and outdoors within 6 feet of others) without masks over their nose and mouth will face sanctions. Those hosting or attending parties that don’t adhere to the mask and social distancing guidelines will be suspended. Let’s be honest, parties and alcohol are an invitation for the spread of this virus and for the subsequent lockdown of our university. If partying is so important to you that you are willing to risk suspension, lockdown and people’s lives, then do us all a favor and just leave now so that those willing to follow the protocols can have a chance to pursue their educational dreams.
Yesterday, all students received information from the Dean of Students about reporting through our Student of Concern form. We ask that you share your concerns and to report significant and repetitive behavior that may be contrary to our policies and the expectations of our students and employees regarding COVID-19 compliance.
Shenandoah has zero tolerance for those who engage in behaviors that could lead to the spread of the virus and could endanger fellow students, faculty, staff and community members. Shenandoah prides itself in being part of the solution — not part of the problem.
President Tracy Fitzsimmons, Ph.D.